Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Still Hate E-Chalk

If you aren't familiar with it, E-Chalk is a packaged website for educational institutions. It's terribly unfriendly for teachers who are new to web publishing. There's no preview option for many of the functions, no captions for uploaded images, no idea where files go when they are uploaded, or how to edit them once they are uploaded, and it's difficult to visualize what it will look like before hitting the "Add" button. It is both rigid and cumbersome. I've been trying to set up class pages at my new school, and I may give up and simply post a link to my other website. There's no place for a permanent header or introduction, the layout is blocky. It tries to get way too much information on a single page, and I have no idea what happens when I keep adding material - will it create one long unwieldy page, or start chopping material into separate pages, and then how do I determine what gets on the main page?

There will probably be some training at some point on using E-Chalk, but I don't know if it will be worth the effort.

UPDATE (9/1/05)

OK, I'm getting a little more familiar with the user interface and I'm not in love, but it does offer some advantages. For instance, since I have 3 sections I can upload materials to all 3 sections with one stroke as needed or I can customize each section, Since they each have different lab days and of course the class that has labs on Mondays will inevitably fall behind due to holidays and the like, I will need to post individualized calendars for each class. Once It's up and running properly I'll post a link if I can - I'm a little worried about copyright issues with some of the materials I may want to post, so I may have to limit access to my students. More about that anon.

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