Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Slowly Returning

It's been a busy summer so far and I have spent barely a moment yet thinking about next year. I taught a course at City College for the month of July using GLOBE's hydrology protocols to do a little study of the Hudson River. It turned out nicely for the most part, my first experience teaching an entire course to adults, fellow teachers at that. I've done plenty of workshops over the years at various professional development venues, but this was quite an intense amount of work given the compressed summer school format. Luckily I had a very nice, bright, enthusiastic, hard-working, and forgiving group of teachers to work with.

I've also been dealing with some identity theft type of activity. At this point I don't know the extent of the problem, and I'm reluctant to say more about it for now. I have filed a police report and done all the necessary notifications and I hope the scoundrel gets caught. A warning for teachers, though, to be extra careful around school (with all the time sheets you have to fill out for extra work you do) with both your address/contact information and your SSN. I don't actually think my problem is related to school, but the experience has made me think hard about how easy it would be...

Lastly, with my transitioning to a new school in September I'm looking at about 45 minutes of commuting (door-to-door) each way and I decided I don't want to waste that time just staring at the advertisements on the subway car and day-dreaming. So I bought an mp3 player. And just to show what a geek I am, at this point it's loaded entirely with Science Friday podcasts. I might eventually add some music, but I would rarely listen to it except perhaps while running on the treadmill.

I expect to be doing a lot of planning over the next couple of weeks and will post my progress as it goes.

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