Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So the Transit Transport Workers Union is on strike. NYC subways & buses are shut down. I have no idea how I will get to work - the city seems intent on making the situation worse, clearly with the intent of making everyone angry and then pointing the finger at the union. Schools are in session in spite of the fact that vast numbers of students and teachers will be unable to get to work today. I work downtown, but driving is not an option - 4 passengers per vehicle are required to drive below 96th street. At 5:00 AM the highways are already backed up as the police literally stop and check every vehicle for the occupancy minimum. It's fricking cold - "mad brick," so riding my bike could be hazardous to my health with icy spots still on the ground from the recent snow & rain.

But I support the union. The press is totally biased, the commentary of the anchors and reporters is laced with subtle and not-so-subtle stabs at the union. The MTA has billion dollar surpluses and is giving away money to the riders, then they want to screw new workers coming into the system - I can tell you that creates a lot of animosity among membership. As a teacher I am still pissed at my union for negotiating contracts in the past that set up "tiers" within the teacher ranks and some tiers have benefits that I'll never get and in some cases teachers had teaching loads lighter than mine - think about that: Inexperienced and overwhelmed new teachers working side-by-side with experienced teachers who have fewer teaching periods per day. It is unconscionable for a union to sell out it's new members to maintain a level of income and working conditions for it's existing members.

Another consequence of the strike is that our lesson study has been cancelled. I don't know at this point if or when it will be rescheduled. Since it is content specific and part of unit study, it would be impossible to just postpone the lesson that we've now spent so much time planning.


I took a chance on the bike, and arrived at 8:30 to work without incident. I thought I might have gotten frostbite on my toes as the frigid west wind (in my face, more or less) kicked in hard at about 96th street, but an hour later and the pain is gone - worst case of cold feet I've ever had. Temperature around 22F with wind chills in the teens/single digits and worse with bike speeds factored in.

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