Thursday, July 27, 2006


I've made a modest change to the name of my blog in the interest of consolidating the various projects I've had at one time or another. It's an attempt at re-integration, so to speak, of the various aspects of my life that I had chopped up and placed in different blogs. My original desire was to keep the Regents Living Environment Blog as much a possible strictly professional and I had attempted to maintain a separate blog for more personal items. I never publicized them here and pretty much kept them for myself thinking that one day they would be revealed to my children who would then have a window into understanding why their old man is so looney. The whole idea probably reflects some twisted psychological turmoil I'm trying to suppress. Anyway, out with that idea. I'll henceforth allow myself to post personal stuff and random rants as well as maintaining the professional material related to teaching science as before.

This is hardly a new paradigm. In fact, the original blogger that inspired me to start, Ms. Frizzle, has been doing this all along. Likewise, the incomparable P.Z. Myers doesn't hesitate to throw in pictures of his family in one post and a tutorial on hox genes in the next followed by some comic political relief. I still don't expect to be anywhere near as prolific nor pretend to be anywhere near as interesting as these guys, but I do this as much for my own personal needs as anything else - I'm not looking for recognition or awards here. I do get occasional e-mails from folks who have stumbled upon the blog and who say they enjoy reading it - I do appreciate the feedback and I will continue to try to post useful information for fellow science teachers or the occasional student looking for answers to old regents exams!

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